Earn the 1,000 Clinical Hours Required to Become an IBCLC as a LUV
Do you aspire to become an IBCLC? Lactation University's LUVS Program received approval as a Recognized Breastfeeding Support Counselor Organization by IBLCE in 2022, and we strive to help breastfeeding advocates become breastfeeding professionals. IBCLC candidates can use LUVS hours for Pathway 1. The volunteer hours do NOT have to be directly supervised. Volunteers will reach out to their online or in-person audiences with high-quality lactation education and support. Lactation University is not affiliated with IBLCE.
LUV Role
Lactation University Volunteers function as trained, skilled lactation counselors. They have completed extensive lactation education and are prepared to offer support, education and referrals. LUV are advocates for human milk and strive to use effective counseling skills to support a person's feeding decision. LUV provide a safe, confidential space for individuals to share concerns and ask questions.
Each approved applicant will have the opportunity to host a weekly or bi-weekly meeting virtually or in-person and gain additional clinical hours through follow-up. Leaders have the option of providing prenatal only, postpartum only, prenatal/postpartum combination or book clubs. Meeting times range from 2-3 hours. LUV must agree to read the books assigned, attend the training for facilitators and complete the required course work prior to offering community meetings. LU will promote the book clubs and meetings and post approved facilitators, along with their contact information and the meeting times and locations. It is the responsibility of the LUV to contact those who reach out for additional information and to document number of attendees and volunteer hours. LU will provide a template for documentation (hour tracker) and agenda for meetings.
Each approved applicant will have the opportunity to host a weekly or bi-weekly meeting virtually or in-person and gain additional clinical hours through follow-up. Leaders have the option of providing prenatal only, postpartum only, prenatal/postpartum combination or book clubs. Meeting times range from 2-3 hours. LUV must agree to read the books assigned, attend the training for facilitators and complete the required course work prior to offering community meetings. LU will promote the book clubs and meetings and post approved facilitators, along with their contact information and the meeting times and locations. It is the responsibility of the LUV to contact those who reach out for additional information and to document number of attendees and volunteer hours. LU will provide a template for documentation (hour tracker) and agenda for meetings.
Qualifications & Investment
- Attended a CAPPA 24 hour Certified Lactation Training within the past 3 years, be a current CAPPA CLE or have completed the first three modules of the Lactation University IBCLC Prep Course*. (all options must have been facilitated by Christy Jo Hendricks)
- Agree to and sign the LUV Code of Ethics Statement
- Complete the 5 Hour LUV Communication Course ($45 investment). Communication Course is included in the LU IBCLC Prep Course. 5 Hours awarded by IBLCE
- Attend the 10 series of meetings led by a current LUV Facilitator
- Read Counseling the Nursing Mother or Breastfeeding and Human Lactation (textbook)
- Compete the Application and pay the $97 Application Fee if you are accepted into the LUVS Program.
- Read additional books for LUVS Book Clubs (for facilitators).Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter and Making More Milk
- Be willing to commit a minimum of 2-3 hours weekly for meetings or to lead a Book Club
- Create Facebook Events and a Leader page for promotion and communication (guidelines provided)
- Document volunteer hours on the LU Tracking Tool and submit the form to LU quarterly
- Maintain membership as a LUVS facilitator ($89 annual fee after the first year-limited partial scholarships available)
- Commit to providing LUVS for a minimum of 2 years from the date application is approved